About the Program


When we bring ourselves to work every day, we bring much more than our skills, our passions, and our ambitions. Whether we know they exist or not, biases join us in every space we find ourselves, including the workplace. Bias is not always bad. However, when we unconsciously allow our biases to taint our interactions and our decision-making processes, the consequences can be detrimental. 


By the end of this session, you will have:

  • Developed an understanding of unconscious bias and some of the different kinds that may impact workplaces
  • Examined your own unconscious biases and explored the ways in which everyone harbors unconscious bias
  • Gained tools and practices to recognize, surface, and address unconscious bias in your workplace

Program Sections

  • Understanding Bias

    In this section of the program, participants learn about the inner-workings of the brain to explore how biases are formed as a natural part of being human.

  • Manifestations of Bias

    In this section of the program, participants are given examples of bias in the workplace and build an understanding of the impact bias can have.

  • Addressing Bias

    In this section, participants receive access to resources and strategies they can use to address bias when it arises in themselves and in others.

Program Facilitator

Founder & CEO of Seen@Work

Natalia Eileen Villarman

Natalia Eileen is committed to making workplaces more diverse and more inclusive. As Founder & CEO of Seen@Work, she leads the firm’s efforts in providing workshops, resources, and consulting services to executives and diversity practitioners to help make companies better places to work. Natalia holds a BA from New York University and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s The Wharton School.